



生き方科 5 知識の連鎖~Chain of Knowledge


生き方科 ブログ 5 好奇心の連鎖を!

  今日の読売新聞に「休校中 勉強する子減少」という見出しの記事がありました。














See below for the English version

“The Number of Children Studying Decreases Among School Closures”read a headline in today’s Yomiuri Shimbun.

The percentage of students studying at home fell to 74.6 percent on April 3rd, down from 86.7 percent on March 30th.

This is easy to understand when you think about study habits; sometimes you have a sense of duty to do so, other times you are more passive about it. Surely, there are studies that require our attention, however, in these times there is a fortunate chance to find knowledge and enjoyment from pursuing our own interests and hobbies thoroughly.

When at the theater, you have to sit through roughly 10 minutes of preview before the actual film begins. In that time you’re able to see what’s new and decide which films you want to see in the future. Because of that, you eventually return to the theater. Then, you discover an actor or actress that you really enjoy and so you go on to watch more of their work. The number of films you discover grows.

But what happens if you never went to the theater in the first place? The whole process never happens; you never end up discovering those new films.

Knowledge works the same way. When we become curious about something, we look into the topic, which naturally brings up new topics that catch our interest. I refer to this phenomenon as the “chain of curiosity”. By doing this, you take the initiative to expand your knowledge and broaden your horizons.

Perhaps it begins with a newspaper article, something you read in a magazine, or even something you see on TV. No matter the impetus, we should make it a habit to remain curious and look further into the things that grab our attention.

I’ve begun keeping a tablet at my side as I watch TV, ready to research topics that I’m unclear of or want to know more about. Although obvious advice, it is a good starting point to get into the habit of learning. I’ve found myself looking up the names of actors or actresses whose names have escaped my memory. I’ve looked up the stroke order for kanji that I’m not too sure of. In fact, I recently had to look up the stroke order of “shuku”, the second kanji of “jishuku”, which is self restraint in English, and has become word that we now hear on a daily basis.

The other day I was watching a film called “The Commuter”, in which the main character quoted a famous saying by Alexandre Dumas. “The value of a person is determined by adversity.” I knew Dumas’s name but was unsure why. Upon looking him up, I remembered that he was the author of “The Three Musketeers”, and learned that his son was the author of “La Traviata”, which was adapted into a famous opera. I discovered other famous quotes by Dumas. I looked into the opera version of “La Triviata”, when it was written, where it debuted, etc. All this from one simple search on my tablet.

I’m a big believer in the importance of instinct and intuition and, as it turns out, so was Dumas.

I discussed in my blog post titled “The Chrysanthemum and the Sword” that I was unsure exactly how to express words such as fault and shame in English. Because of this I requested that my blog posts be translated and am happy to say that the work is currently being undertaken.

I believe that my readers have a high enough level of English to be able use it for their own research and expand their knowledge. That is a strength! I remember when I was learning how to ballroom dance. I wanted to see videos of waltzes and so I looked up “waltz” in Japanese. Unfortunately, I was unable to find anything that interested me and so I decided to look up the term in English. I was surprised by how many more results I was able to find from around the world. English is our strength!

As the school closure drags on, why not take the time to start your own “chain of knowledge”?