【生き方科2】大変な時期をどう考えるか~Thinking Clearly In Difficult Times
ikikata.blg@lca.ed.jp (休校期間中限定)
See below for the English version.
In my previous entry, I discussed how now is the time to start building up and improving our ways of thinking.
It is my hope that we can continue to share ideas and work together as we face these recent unknown circumstances.
To begin with, in these difficult times, I believe that people are of two trains of thought. The first group often find themselves worrying, thinking things like, “When will life return to the way we knew it? How did the world end up in a situation like this? This is so distressful…” etc. The second group, however, are able to calmly assess the situation and, rather than panic, think, “What can I do to make this better?”
Which group do you fall into?
Personally, as much as I have been able to stay positive during the corona virus pandemic, I still can’t help but feel that it will be very difficult to return to what we considered normal life before it began. Our lives and way of thinking have already been altered significantly in the past two months alone.
Things that we once thought were necessary for daily life have suddenly proven themselves to be unnecessary. We have all been challenged to discover new ways to enjoy the things that we used to enjoy. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to say that the world as we know it is going to go through a radical change moving forward.
Those who can quickly adapt their minds and actions to this change should be able to better deal with a newly emerging world and the set of values it brings. On the other hand, those who find themselves struggling daily with stress, wondering when things will return back to normal will find themselves left behind.
Making the most of the situation we are currently in seems daunting but doesn’t have to be that difficult. Take advantage of the time that you are confined to your homes. Keep informed about what’s happening. Put yourself into the shoes of others around the world. Find time to start projects that you’ve been too busy to start otherwise. There are still many ways to experience personal growth and discover new things about yourself.
Our way of thinking can be easily influenced by watching the news too often. Many opinions have emerged since the state of emergency was declared, with some even seeking that those breaking quarantine face fines or other legal consequences. How do you feel about this idea? Despite suggestions from the government to say home, it is not unusual to see reports of young people being defiant, thinking that the virus will not affect them. Seeing said reports, it’s only natural that some would find a form of punishment necessary, don’t you think?
Saying that, I can’t help but think of how it resembles problems that occur at school. For example, LCA has suggestions of what should and should not be brought to school, however the final decision ultimately rests with the families. Even then, consequences tend to be rather lenient. Regardless, there are times when situations change and new rules need to be established. Can you see the similarities?
I’m sure you’re aware that other countries around the world are under various forms of lock down, some with legal consequences for those who disobey orders. As previously stated, this is not so in Japan. Where do you stand on the issue? Do you think that the Japanese government should enforce punishments the likes that have been reported in countries such as China or India?
There is obviously no easy answer to that question. However, it is important to think about these issues, and to have your own opinions. Even better if you are able to collect those thoughts and share them with the world in English!
If you have any questions, thoughts or opinions on this entry please email ikikata.blg@lca.ed.jp (Active only during the school closure.)
Until next time!