



世の中の変化を追うこと、本当のことを言うことの大切さ ~ Keeping up with changes in society” and “The importance of telling the truth ~


2018年9月12日  学園長エデュケーショナルレクチャー(LCA国際小学校)より~





















また、92日、東京のお台場にTokyo Global Gateway(略称:TGG)という英語村が開村しました。東京都の小中学生を対象に一日中この施設で、英語を使って過ごしてもらう体験型英語学習施設です。この施設の英語プログラム開発にLCAが深く携わっています。今後も様々なプログラムやイベントを実施する予定です。LCAのノウハウを英語村に活かせたことは、とてもよかったことだと思っていますし、今後英語村を通してLCAの教育が広がっていくことを期待しています。


****English version******************************************


“Keeping up with changes in society” and “The importance of telling the truth.

Let me tell you how I feel about the recent news. The sports world, namely boxing and gymnastics, has been stirring up a lot of controversy, and they seem to be dealing with a common issue.

It may be that the people amidst the controversy have not been able to keep up with the rapid changes of society and are stuck in their old-fashioned values. Although they may believe that they are not doing anything wrong, their actions are considered inappropriate and are no longer acceptable under the new values of society.

When I was teaching in my twenties, 30 some years ago, it was normal for people to smoke during meetings. Then one day, a friend of mine suggested making them ‘smoke-free’. At the time, everyone protested, saying “That’s impossible!”. However, these days, ‘smoke-free’ areas have become commonplace.

Society is moving forward at a swift pace. If you are not aware of these changes, you will be left behind.

Now, it is the era of the smartphone. 

Many of my friends are in their 50’s and 60’s. When smartphones became mainstream, many of them could not make the transition. I think it is important to try to adapt to the changes of society and to not be complacent. I also try to pay attention to these changes and adjust to them.

I tried to get my mother to use a cellphone when she was around 80, but she could not even handle a simplified version built for seniors. Seeing this, I gave up on giving her a laptop or a tablet. It is unfortunate because she could’ve enjoyed watching movies. 

Meanwhile, in my Rotary Club, there is a man in his mid-90’s who has mastered the use of his smartphone. I see that adapting with society allows you to communicate with people from different generations and enjoy a more exciting life. 

There are much more opportunities if you actively try to adapt to the changes instead of being complacent. I feel that it is key to live with the times and exchange ideas with people of various generations.

I also want to talk about discipline. When I was a teacher, corporal punishment was not uncommon. Some teachers walked around with a Kendo stick, and I would give students noogies, or “salted plums ~umeboshi~” as I called them. I would get into a world of trouble if I tried the same thing now, though.

I taught a class on ‘Education and Child Studies’ at Sagami Women’s University 4 years ago, and held a survey asking if corporal punishment was necessary. 20 percent of the students responded ‘yes’. Some of my friends even said, “As a parent, you obviously have to teach your kids about the pain.”

While it has become a sensitive topic, corporal punishment must be somewhat effective, since there are people who still believe in it. However, if there is an alternative that brings the same results, that is obviously the better choice. We must think seriously about this alternative option.

When a child gets yelled at for messing up at school, he will feel dejected. When he repeats the mistake, he will fear getting scolded again and think to keep quiet or lie about it. One lie can lead to many, and the child may stop telling the truth about anything.

At the last preschool lecture, I talked about “raising a child who can rely on others, instead of a child who doesn’t need help.” In life, there are times when you need a shoulder to lean on. It is an important thing to be able to rely on others. Children need the help of adults to overcome obstacles.

Let’s try to be there for them and say, “You can tell me anything! Don’t worry, I won’t get mad.”

Sometimes, kids still won’t spill the beans. They can’t say what they’ve done because they grow up thinking, “I’ll be a good boy/girl” and know that hurting friends, lying, and stealing are bad.

That’s why it’s necessary to tell them “go ahead, you can tell me.” You can also say “If you don’t want to say it out loud, say it in your heart” or “just move your lips” or “whisper it.” Sometimes, this works better. Even if it’s just in your heart, the brain remembers what you say, and helps you say it out loud.

When kids tell you the truth, praise them well. Say, “You did it!!” Thinking about the child’s issues and solving them together this is what I want caregivers to do.

I’m 65 years old. My goal is to educate my successor for the next 5 years, and then hand over the steering wheel and become an advisor for 5 years after that.

I wrote a book calledParent­child communication: Changing the way you communicate with your child will change you and your child’s worldto pass down my ideas and set a standard for an LCA way of communication. I published it as a general book, because I wanted not only the teachers and parents at LCA but many other families to enjoy it as well. I would be grateful if you read it.

Also, on September 6th, an English ‘village’ called Tokyo Global Gateway (TGG) opened in Odaiba. It is an English-learning facility where elementary, junior high, and senior high school students from Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan can visit for an entire day and learn English through active participation. LCA took part in the development of this project and will continue to hold programs and events in the near future. We are glad that LCA’s knowledge is utilized to TGG and we are hopeful that this project will be on the process in spreading the LCA English education to the world.

The Principal’s Educational Lecture at LCA International School on September 12, 2018



▼Tokyo Global Gateway(略称:TGG)について



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